It’s time to show off your creative skills and ‘get crafty’ as we head towards Easter!
We’re bringing two days of ‘make and take’ to the mall, between 11am and 3pm on Friday 18th and Saturday 19th April.
It’s a decorating delight for green fingered people on the Friday… no, not eggs, but creating the perfect plant pot*! Let your imagination run wild and, when you’re done, you get to sow mustard or cress seeds. Whether you give it as a gift or keep and nurture at home, the choice is yours! You can share your fully-fledged plant photos with us on social media too, using #MeadowsPlantPots
Easter Saturday should be egg-cellent as we take to the tables to design themed masks, banners, or puppets*, then leave the workshops carrying, wearing, or waving our awesome artwork! Why not come dressed in character for Easter so you can accessorise in style… Don’t forget to snap a selfie and share it with us, using #MeadowsEasterCrafts
All event materials are designed to be child-friendly, with washable paints and biodegradable paper straws, cups, glitter, and table covers. Where possible, recycled/reused products are used for decoration.
To keep up to date with our events, competitions, and latest news, please bookmark our website and like/follow us on social media: @shopthemeadows.
The Meadows – Your Choice for Easter Crafts!
*craft selections and times are subject to change.